Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Cari Duit Dengan Copy Paste Banner Ads

Banners are a pretty standard tool used by LSI affiliates to promote our products because it’s so easy to take a couple of minutes to just copy and paste the HTML code we give you, add it to your web site, and watch the sales start to roll in.

Plus, because we are always updating our banners based on the latest technologies, industry shifts, and constant testing and research, affiliates are continually impressed by the traffic our banners generate compared to the industry standard of 0.2% to 0.8%. These banners have been tested and proven to generate as high as a 10% to 14% click-throughs!

Now obviously, click-through rates this high occur when these banners appear on sites where the traffic is really targeted, but I just wanted to give you a clear idea of the difference between our banners and others you may find out there. These banners have been designed, tested, and proven to attract the highest click-throughs!

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